To walk a mile
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousands words. Today, it remains difficult for Americans to talk about issues of race and the divisions of our nation that make us far from united states. I have conceived, captured and curated the ongoing To Walk A Mile series to convey the proof, hope and promise of community in the midst of some of the hardest things for us to talk about as Americans in the 21st century. The power of this independent project is seeing black and white Americans in partnership with each other in their communities and workplaces throughout the U.S. These are relationships that cannot be legislated. They take work, sacrifice, courage, humility, trust and the willingness to speak honestly.
Margaret Rohn & Rowena Jordan - Facilitators, Cincinnati National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Pastor Darryl Fairchild & Rev. Robert E. Jones - Photographed on the Third Street Bridge in Dayton, OH, also known as the Peace Bridge for its connection of the historically divided east and west sides of the city.
Jim Walker and Peter Correia both work in the area of youth services and have been professional colleagues and personal friends for years. Photographed at University of Oklahoma in Tulsa.
Burt Holmes, a local entreprenuer/businessman and Reuben Gant, also an entrepreneur/businessman and former NFL athlete and college football star at OSU. They cross paths on a number of community initiatives and are also personal friends. Photographed pre-construction at the John Hope Franklin Park in Tulsa, OK.
Judge Walter Rice & City Commissioner Dean Lovelace - Dayton, OH - photographed in the Wright-Dunbar neighborhood celebrating the early interracial friendship of the Wright Brothers and poet Paul Laurence Dunbar.
Christie Fowler and Frances Jordan, Greenwood Cultural Center Executive Director, helped integrate Tulsa Central High School in the mid/late 1960s and were close friends. After losing touch, they reconnected about 40 years later. Photographed in front of their former high school.
Martha McCoy, Executive Director, and Carolyne Abdullah, Director of Strengthening Democratic Capacity Team, with Everyday Democracy in Hartford, CT.