What happens when neighbors begin to actually know each other beyond a wave or a possible hello? Community begins to be built.
What happens when residents who hold on to the past come to recognize that change is possible and is not a threat? Community is built.
What happens when new residents whose life experience or birthplace begin to bring new stories to this town? Community is built.
When community is built so that all thrive, there is power for a new spirit and a common wealth to spread not only across a state, but across a nation. New life is written new stories. It is time to write and tell them….to ourselves and our neighbors.
Burt Holmes, a local entreprenuer/businessman and Reuben Gant, also an entrepreneur/businessman and former NFL athlete and college football star at OSU. They cross paths on a number of community initiatives and are also personal friends. Photographed pre-construction at the John Hope Franklin Park in Tulsa, OK.
Martha McCoy, Executive Director, and Carolyne Abdullah, Director of Strengthening Democratic Capacity Team, with Everyday Democracy in Hartford, CT.